One of the best kept secrets in professional circles.


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Lincoln Torch Club is...

…an intellectual hotspot, dining out with old and new friends, hearing stimulating papers on challenging subjects, and participating in lively discussion. It’s a place to grow, at any age. We meet monthly for social time, dinner and a paper presented by a member with discussion afterwards.

That’s it. We’re not a service organization; we’re a forum where people from different professions and interests can meet in a convivial setting. So no pancake feeds or community projects or favorite causes or fundraising projects. Instead, we’re a place for people who are curious, who wish to continue a lifelong pursuit of learning and who enjoy the pleasure of each other’s company.

What is Torch?

Torch Club is a dinner/discussion group where professional and academic people meet socially for dinner and or via Zoom, hear a presentation on exciting and provocative topics from members, enjoy a lively discussion of the paper presented.

Contact Us

Are you interested in joining Torch Club? If so, please use the contact form. Prospective members will be invited to attend a meeting, meet club members and experience Torch Club first-hand.