One of the best kept secrets in professional circles.


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About Torch Club

Torch Club is a dinner/discussion group where professional and academic people meet socially for dinner and via Zoom, hear a presentation on exciting and provocative topics from members, enjoy a lively discussion of the paper presented, then we go home.

The Lincoln Torch Club celebrates our 60th year as a local chapter and affiliates with the International Association of Torch Clubs, an organization of some 45 clubs in the U.S.A. and Canada, including two clubs in Nebraska.

Our Meetings

Our chapter typically meets eight times a year, September through April, with summers off. Meetings are always on the third Monday of the month. We will continue to offer hybrid Zoom and Dinner meeting option. Our dinner meetings will be held in The Hickory Room at Lazlo’s in the Lincoln Haymarket. They start with a social time at 6 p.m. Our virtual Zoom meeting format will begin at 7:15 p.m. and include an interactive Question and Answer period from 8:00 to 8:30 pm.



Lincoln Torch Club (chartered in May 1963) has over 45 active members. Lincoln sponsored new clubs in Kearney and Hastings in 2012, and Southeast Nebraska in 2013.


Each club is independent of the International Association of Torch Clubs regarding meetings, dinner
locations, bylaws, and membership. IATC dues are $50 per year per member, with an
initial $10 initiation fee that includes an attractive membership pin. Each club determines
the price and location of dinners and any other incidental expenses. In Lincoln, dinners at The Hickory Room at Lazlo’s in the Lincoln Haymarket currently total $270 for nine meetings this year. The Lincoln Torch Club pays IATC membership dues (a $50 annual fee) per year.



We are pioneers in enrolling college students as regular Torch members. Lincoln received the President’s Award for Outstanding Torch Club in 1979-1980, 1985-1986, 1987-1988, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014.


The Torch Magazine

All members receive a copy of “The Torch,” a magazine published by the International Association.Paul Scott Stanfield, an English professor at Nebraska Wesleyan University and IATC 2018 Gold Award recipient, is the recent past editor of “The Torch.” This magazine publishes selected papers from local clubs three
times a year and goes to all International Torch members.

Mission and Values

Torch Club is not a service group as we do no fundraising events or missions outside the club, nor are we a social club, though we do a great deal of socializing. Instead, we talk— and listen. Presenters give their ideas on favorite topics, often outside their profession, in 20-30 minute talks, then open up to questions and answers/comments.